Friday, November 14, 2014

Sound Project: Due December 4

Here is an electronic copy of the directions for the science project that were sent home today. This is an at-home project for students to apply the concepts of sound that we have been investigating in school.

Special Assignment:
Design your own musical instrument!

You are an instrument designer.  Invent a new musical instrument that makes sound by striking, plucking, or blowing.

As you build, remember…

  1. It must make at least 3 different pitches.
  2. You must be able to identify what is vibrating.
  3. You must be able to describe the change you made in the instrument that changes the pitch.
  4. You must be able to identify which pitch is highest, medium, and lowest.

Use recyclable materials from home.  Some examples of materials you can use are (but you can use other items):

paper bowls
toilet paper/paper towel rolls
wax paper sheets
rubber bands
dried beans
drink containers
coffee cans/lids

BE CREATIVE!!!!  Make sure all parts of your instrument are secure.
Be prepared to share your instrument with the class!

Due date: Thursday, December 4, 2014

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