In writing, we
continued to write our personal narrative stories. We have been emphasizing the
importance of drafting and revising. We read Dr. Seuss’ Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! to
exemplify the power of revision. An appendix to the story details the many
drafts and revisions that the story underwent before its final copy was
published. We learned that even famous authors like Dr. Seuss alter their
stories to tell them in a more effective way.
In math, we practiced placing numbers on a number line, pushing us to think about the relative sizes of numbers. We also identified the amount of hundreds in addition expressions. One way we did this was through playing the game “Go Collecting.”
This week, we played games to review the content that was
covered during our first social studies
unit. For example, we played a game of Jeopardy
to review what we have learned about mapping, New England, Massachusetts,
and Arlington. In addition, we also
played concentration to review facts about Massachusetts cities and landmarks.
Across the subject areas, we have been working on building “grit” and perseverance. We have adopted
the following acronym for grit:
Give It Your All
Redo If Necessary
Invent Solutions
Take Time to do
it right
One way we have shown grit is by revisiting and making
corrections to English Language Arts, math, and spelling assignments. We also
came up with a number of solution methods during a math problem solving
workshop. Students began to solve a challenge problem entitled “Eating Grapes,”
using math manipulatives, tables, and equations.
Students who are enrolled in instrumental music lessons had their first lesson this week. Weekly
lessons will be on Tuesdays from 10:20-11. I will remind students when it is
time for their lesson on Tuesdays. It is expected that students make up any
regular classwork that is missed during this time. Schedule permitting, I will
usually set aside time within the school day for students who go to instruments
to work on catch-up assignments.
Lastly, here is a new optional homework math challenge, due on October 6:
Lastly, here is a new optional homework math challenge, due on October 6: