Friday, March 31, 2017

Classroom Update: 3/31/17

On Monday, we were treated to a presentation by the Museum of Science. An educator from the museum delivered a presentation on weather and climate to go along with our current science unit. Students were engaged in experiments involving wind, air pressure, and temperature. 

In math, we continued studying fractions. Students looked for patterns among equivalent fractions. For example, we observed that the numbers in the numerator and denominator are the same for all fractions equivalent to one (i.e. 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, etc.).

In reading, we began preparations for the MCAS examination, to be held next week. We are learning test taking strategies, such as the "process of elimination." 

We continued our unit on opinion writing. Students brainstormed ideas for new persuasive letters. We thought of problems around our school that need to be changed. We also brainstormed people around the school that should be appreciated more. 

Students participated in an engineering design challenge this week. They were tasked to design a waterwheel with the provided materials that could pull a load. Their solutions were impressive!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Classroom Update: March 17, 2017

In math, students worked on placing fractions on a number line. In doing so, we were able to identify fraction equivalencies.

In writing, students continued working on persuasive speeches. We are practicing reading our speeches aloud with expression.

In reading, we introduced a new unit on poetry. Students created festive limericks today in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

This week, students also worked on a project related to our social-emotional curriculum, Superflex. We have been reading about the "Unthinkables," a team of super-villains who make us behave in unexpected ways. Students reflected on areas of school behavior that they have the most difficulty with (staying focused, keeping organized, maintaining a positive attitude, remembering assignments, speaking up, etc.). Students designed their own "Unthinkables" related to these aspects of school behavior, and devised strategies to defeat them.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Classroom Update: March 10, 2017

We are wrapping up our integrated social studies and reading unit on the Pilgrims. Students learned about the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe. Students read biographies of Squanto, a Native American man who helped the Pilgrims in their early years of settlement. Later in the week, students wrote essays in which they compared life today to life in seventeenth century Massachusetts.

In math, we began a new unit on fractions. We have been working on partitioning shapes into equal parts. We have done this by folding and cutting paper. We have started to notice patterns in the ways that we can build fractional pieces. For example, we noticed that we can make fourths by dividing halves into two equal pieces. Similarly, we can make eighths by segmenting fourths in half. These patterns are helping us to begin to think about fraction equivalency.

In science, we conducted experiments related to the water cycle. We learned about the stages of precipitation, condensation, and evaporation. In addition, students learned about climate zones. We researched regions around the world and learned about their unique climates.

In writing, we began a unit on opinion writing. We began by brainstorming and outlining ideas for a topic. Students are now underway with drafting a persuasive speech using a five paragraph essay template.