Friday, February 26, 2016

Classroom Update: 2/26/16

This week, we began several new units across the subject areas. It was exciting to jump into some new topics!

In math, we began a new unit on fractions. We have been working on naming fractions and partitioning shapes into equal pieces.

In reading, we are focusing on finding the main idea of a text. We have read nonfiction articles, looking for the main idea and its supporting details.

In writing, we began a unit on persuasive writing. Students brainstormed topics that they are passionate about and developed thesis statements. Then, they began to write persuasive speeches to support their opinions.

We are winding down with our social studies unit on the Pilgrims and will soon begin a new science unit.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Celebration of Writing: Postponed

Due to the two snow days (and with tomorrow's arrival time being uncertain), our writers' celebration has been postponed until after break. I'll be in touch about a new date. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Optional Math Challenge: Due 2/22/16

Classroom Update: February 5, 2016

In reading and social studies, we’ve been reading many books about the Pilgrims. This week, we read about the Pilgrims’ first winter in Plymouth and their relationship with the Wampanoags.

Our unit on area and perimeter has progressed in math. This week, we applied these concepts to the real world by designing and exploring floor plans.

As our informational writing unit comes to a close, students are preparing for a writers’ celebration. As a reminder, the celebration will take place next Friday, February 12th.